You may download the soft copy on the Student Handbook below.
Glorious Victorious, Oakridge
In our joyous hearts we sing
Excellence is what we bear
Greatness is what we share
We’ll stand for you as an oak
For you ridged us to the brighter hope
Carrying the light of our future
To the promise land we’ll conquer
With the shield of knowledge
And the sword of wisdom
We will fight for tomorrow’s freedom
Following so we’ll be followed
Reaching out as we were reached out
Loving our countrymen
So as our Motherland
We will stand as true Oakridgeans!
Oakridge international school parent / student handbook
Oakridge International School was established with the Bureau of Educational Advancement in 2009 by a group of idealistic and passionate professionals. Oakridge International School of Young Leaders is an educational institution that aims to build a community of learners with the desire for growth and development, unceasing pursuit for truth with the highest, intellectual and academic standards, producing competent, curious and well-rounded, dignified, God-fearing, confident, capable and happy individuals with the love for the country, zest for life, curious effort to make a difference in the country and passion for lifelong learning.
Utilizing student-centered inquiry methods and adhering to international and local standards, we will develop active, self-motivated, competent lifelong learners. We are committed to educating students in order to prepare them for further global educational opportunities. We are steadfast in our pursuit to become the recognized educational leader in the region.
Oakridge has always been committed to provide more opportunities for learning and development. Activities are designed in ways that students, parents, staff, and teachers work cooperatively and harmoniously, hence attaining the holistic and inclusive growth not only in the cognitive but also in the social and spiritual domain of their being.
We hope to access the higher level of human genius and motivation by training, through leadership workshops, community immersion, educational trips, and interactive academic activities, our students to have a new mind-set, and new skills. Students are given frequent opportunities to share their greatness and find their voice.
We are committed to creating a better world through education.
In the interest of safety for our entire school community, all visitors, volunteers, and guests on our campus must check in at the office and obtain a visitor/volunteer pass from the main office. Oakridge International School is a closed campus and does not permit friends of students or family members who are not enrolled in Oakridge International School to visit or shadow enrolled students. If you need to drop off your child’s lunch or school assignment, please do so at the office. Please do not go to the classroom.
Bus Service
Safe, efficient, and responsible bus service is available for PHP 1,200 per month to Dagupan residents. Pick up and drop off at home.
Drop off
Students will not be allowed on campus until 7:30. Please do not bring your students to school before 07:30. There is no staff on duty to supervise students prior to this time.
Pick up
Please pick up your students on time.
All children who are not part of After School Program must be picked up, on time, at the end of school. Children enrolled in the After School Program must be picked up after the program. The office will immediately contact parents of those students who are not picked up on time. Upon the third occurrence of late pickup, a letter will be sent to the parent assessing a PHP 1,000. late pickup fee to the family of the child for any future occurrences. More than three occurrences in one marking grading period, or five occurrences during the school year, may result in dismissal from OIS.
Only personnel authorized on the pick-up form are permitted to pick up your student.
Students will not be allowed to leave campus without permission. They must be in the company of their authorized fetcher. If your student is allowed to, “commute” ensure you indicate this on their fetcher card. They will then be issued a commuter card that they will have to show to get off campus.
Publications, Video, Internet Photos Agreement
Students who attend Oakridge International School are occasionally asked to be part of school publicity, publications, school web site publications, media events (e.g. newspaper, television, etc.) and/or public relations activities.
If you do NOT want your child to be included in any publications and/or public relations activities please indicate by marking the appropriate answer and signing the “Parent Permission Master Form: included at the end of this handbook.
Emergency Information
In case of an emergency, each student is required to have on file at the school office the following information:
- Parent(s) or guardian(s) name(s).
- Complete and up-to-date address information.
- Home phone number and parent work phone numbers.
- Emergency phone numbers of friends or relatives.
- Physician’s name and phone number.
- Medical alert information.
*Please note, parent and emergency contacts must be local.
First Aid
There are facilities in each school for a student to rest if he/she is not feeling well. If your child does not feel well enough to return to class in a short time, you will be contacted to pick up your child from school. It is important that the school is kept informed of your current local phone numbers and where you can be contacted. Policies for administering first aid within the school system have been formulated by the School Nurses. Very minor injuries will be taken care of by trained school personnel or by the School Nurse. Parents will be contacted and requested to take over the responsibility for any care that goes beyond “first aid.” It is imperative that the school has emergency phone numbers in case the parent cannot be reached.
Accident/ Injury/ Insurance
Oakridge International School students take part in a wide variety of activities and events every year. As a result, injuries and accidents sometimes occur. Out faculty and staff are first aid trained. In the event of an accident whether inside our campus or outside, the school provides for an automatic medical insurance coverage for claims that may be filed with the School’s Medical Insurance provider. Please not that coverage of an incident or reimbursement of the amount claimed will be assessed by the insurance company and its not determined by OIS.
Oakridge International School is committed to working with parents, children, and other stakeholders to ensure that all enrolled children receive a world-class education that maximizes the opportunity for every child to achieve his / her full potential. Attendance is a critical factor in school success. Studies have shown that consistent school attendance, academic success, and school completion have a positive correlation. The educational process requires continuity of instruction and students need to experience classroom discussions, debate, and independent study in order to increase achievement.
Oakridge Faculty and Staff will work with students and families to ensure that each student attends school regularly and punctually.
All children are likely to be absent from or late to school at some time. However, persistent poor attendance and poor punctuality is disruptive to the individual and to the work of the class and grounds for dismissal.
Aims of the Policy and Guidelines
- To improve overall attendance of students at school
- To make good attendance and punctuality a priority for all those associated with the school including parents / caregivers, students, teachers, and staff.
- To provide a framework defining respective roles and responsibilities of stakeholders that ensures consistency in dealing with issues of attendance and absence.
Legal Framework
Parental Duty
Under REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9155, The Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001,
“It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all by providing all Filipino children a free and compulsory education in the elementary level.”
Parents / caregivers therefore have a legal duty to ensure their elementary students and a moral duty to ensure all students attend school. It is Oakridge International School Policy that students will be in school and on time
DepEd Order 86, s. 2011 also directs:
all schedules (class schedule, meetings, activites, events, etc.) must start on time and end on time.
It is the parents or guardians responsibility to ensure their child’s attendance at school and ensure that they are on time.
“Excused Absence”
Oakridge records each absence, late, and early dismissal as excused or unexcused. Under Oakridge International School policy, three or more unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal. Three unexcused tardies or early dismissals will count as an absence.
Under our policy, excused absences are defined as:
An absence due to personal illness, illness or death in the immediate family, (parents, primary caregivers, siblings, grandparents) religious observance, quarantine, or required court appearances. All other absences, lateness, or early dismissals are unexcused. Credit for make-up work will always be given for excused absences.
“Unexcused Absence”
Absences for any reason not delineated above are considered unexcused absences. Make-up assignments are at the teacher’s discretion.
Make-up work
Failure to make up missing work due to an absence either excused or unexcused, could have a negate effect on your student’s grade if not excused by the teacher. Make-up work from a suspension is at the teacher’s discretion.
Student Records and Recording of Absence
Oakridge International School will keep attendance records for every student. Teachers take attendance every day. Any student not in their seat when the school day starts is absent / tardy. Every absence is either excused or unexcused. In addition, Oakridge records every tardy or early dismissal as excused or unexcused.
Clearing an absence
Upon return, students are required to provide a written note stating the dates and reasons for absence. Only the student’s parent or guardian signs the note. This excuse will be provided to the office and an admit slip will be provided to the student.
High levels of absence
Three or more unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal. When a student has two unexcused absences, the parents / caregivers will be warned and a meeting will be scheduled with the parent/caregiver. Three unexcused tardies / early dismissals will count as an absence. A limited number of absences are permitted, but unexcused absences must not exceed three, REMEMBER that three unexcused tardies (LATE) equals one unexcused absence. A student who is absent from class or tardy is responsible for all work given by the instructor. In accordance with Department of Education Order No. 88 s 2010,Section 133, “ A pupil or student in every private school who incurs absences of more than twenty (20%) percent of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the school year or term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the course or subject.”
Late Arrival and Punctuality
Regular attendance in all classes is one of the most important obligations of students. They are expected to attend all scheduled class exercises and activities. Any child could be late for class at some time in their school career. However, persistent poor timekeeping is disruptive to the individual and to the work of the class and may be an early warning of other difficulties.
Students arriving after 7:45 are required to stop at the office and get a tardy admit slip. This is required for entrance to the classroom. Students are unexcused, until the parent provides a written explanation of the tardy to the homeroom teacher. Only legitimate family emergencies, extraordinary traffic delays, and acts of God will be excused.
Family Trips
The school calendar provides a generous vacation schedule. Therefore, we strongly discourage family trips that result in students missing school. Such absences undermine the ethos of commitment and disadvantage the student whose work is interrupted.
Academic Regulations
School Grading Policy
Oakridge International School concurs with the most current educational research in effective grading practices. Grades at Oakridge are used to provide accurate, specific, and timely feedback to all stakeholders. The primary purpose of grades is to improve student learning and performance. Oakridge International School follows the Department of Education grading system. Grades reflect what the student has demonstrated. They are the grades the student earned. We do not transmute grades.
The following practices will not be used at Oakridge:
· An immediate grade of “0” for missing work. (Students will receive an incomplete, parents will be notified, and the student is expected to complete the assignment. Parents will again be notified if work is not completed by the new due date. If the work is not completed when report cards are scheduled, an incomplete will be entered on the report card. If the matter is not resolved by the end of the next grading period (or the end of summer school), the student then will receive a 0 on the assignment and their quarterly grade computed and entered on their card.)
- Grades are not based solely on a mathematical mean.
- Grades will not be heavily weighted on only one test/project.
- Transmuted grades
It is our policy that:
The Primary Purpose for grades is:
Communicate achievement status to students, parents, and others
Secondary Purposes for grades are:
Provide information that students can use for self-evaluation and growth
Encourage student growth and progress in learning
Identify students for other educational opportunities (e.g., courses or programs)
Evaluate the effectiveness of curricular, instructional, and assessment practices and programs
A grade is based not only on formal examinations, but also on every kind of academic evidence: recitation, term papers, book reports, written and oral tests, etc. Attendance does not form part of the student’s grade for the subject. “The final grade or rating given to a pupil or student in a subject should be based solely on his scholastic performance. Any addition or diminution to the grade in a subject for co-curricular activities, attendance, or misconduct shall not be allowed… In the elementary level, the misconduct of a pupil may affect his final grade in Character Education.” Grades at Oakridge are based on student achievement of our course/grade level standards.
The following guidelines are in place:
Teacher/administration will agree upon performance standards as the reference points when determining grades. Students will earn their grades when they meet standards’ based goals. A bell curve will not be used.
Grades are based only on standards’ achievement. Standards-based education is a process for planning, delivering, monitoring, and improving academic programs in which clearly defined academic content standards provide the basis for content in instruction and assessment. Standards help ensure students learn what is important, rather than allowing textbooks to dictate classroom practice. Absences, behavior, effort, participation, or extracurricular activities are not considered.
A large sample of student performance will be taken, however not everything will be scored and all scores will not be included in student grades.
Grades will be determined primarily on a combination of assessments and performance tasks. Rubrics, assessment checklists, and other types of scoring guides are used to provide formative feedback on various types of performance tasks (e.g., products, projects, and other performances).
Students will be provided with multiple assessment opportunities to show what they know, understand, and how they can use knowledge.
Grading here involves more than just the mathematical mean. The most consistent levels of achievement, with an emphasis on the most recent performance (when applicable) will be used. Serious consideration on the median (or mode), rather than the mean will be used.
We will strive to ensure that students understand, in advance, how their grades are determined.
A student who cheats on any test or examination receives a grade of F (Failure) for that test or examination.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued to students at the end of each quarter. Parents are responsible for picking up report cards. Students are responsible for bringing the signed report card back to school (except at the end of fourth quarter.)
Following are the dates when each term closes.
First Quarter
19 August
Second Quarter
26 October
Third Quarter
22 January
Forth Quarter
27 March
Grades are recorded by letters, which indicate scholastic achievement. The interpretation of these letters is as follows:
superior work
above average work
average work
low pass
low pass
Students receiving an incomplete mark will have two weeks to make up any missing work.
Academic Integrity
Students are expected to have integrity and self‑discipline and to display respect for themselves, others, and the school. The school considers as very serious any incident of academic cheating or plagiarism. Examples include:
- copying another student’s class work or homework;
- asking another student questions during a test or copying another student’s test answers;
- allowing a student to copy one’s own homework
- giving another student test answers;
- turning in any material claimed as one’s own but coming from another source (for example, copying material from – an online resource without crediting the source).
These actions are dishonest and unacceptable. Academic dishonesty is one of the most serious violations of school expectations and may result in expulsion.
A standards-based system:
Measures its success based on student learning (the achievement of standards) rather than compliance with rules and regulations.
Aligns policies, initiatives, curriculum, instruction, and assessments with clearly defined academic standards.
Consistently communicates and uses standards to focus on ways to ensure success for all students.
Standards-based systems increase student achievement
Students generally learn better in a standards-based environment because everybody is working towards the same goal.
Teachers know what the standards are and choose classroom activities and teaching strategies that enable students to achieve the standards.
Students know the standards, too, and can see scoring guides that embody them. The students can use them to complete their work.
Parents know them and can help students by seeing that their homework aligns with the standards.
Administrators know what is necessary to attain the standards and provide professional development, resources, and materials to ensure that students are able to reach the prescribed standards.
Homework Policy
Oakridge International School Homework Policy
Guidelines for the Assignment of Homework and Responsibilities of Students, Staff and Parents
Homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline, and lifelong learning habits. It is the intention of the Oakridge International School staff to assign appropriate, challenging, and meaningful homework assignments that reinforce classroom-learning objectives. Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned, complete unfinished class assignments, and develop independence.
Homework assignments include:
- Practice exercises to follow classroom instruction
- Preview assignments to prepare for subsequent lessons
- Extension assignments to transfer new skills or concepts to new situations
- Creative activities to integrate many skills toward the production of a response or product
Teachers will follow the following guidelines when assigning homework:
- Grade 1 not more than 10 minutes
- Grade 2 not more than 20 minutes
- Grade 3 not more than 30 minutes
- Grade 4 not more than 40 minutes
- Grade 5 not more than 50 minutes
- Grade 6 not more than 60 minutes
- Grade 7 not more than 70 minutes
- Grade 8 not more than 80 minutes
- Grade 9-12 not more than 90 minutes
Actual time required to complete assignments will vary with each student’s study habits and academic skills. If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teacher(s).
Students are also required to pursue independent, leisure reading. Students need to read a minimum of 15 minutes (grades K-2) or 30 minutes (3-9). This is in addition to any other assignments. Parents will be asked to monitor this requirement. For students who cannot yet read, adults or older siblings are asked to read to their student.
Late Work Policies
Students are expected to turn work in on time.
Students who miss homework because of an absence will receive the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are given one calendar day for each day absent plus one extra day to turn in their work. It is the students’ responsibility to get work missed due to illness or absence.
Major Projects
Major Projects include research reports, book reports, major essays, and other assignments teachers designate as major projects. Work on these projects may exceed the maximum minutes per night, however if the student works on the project as soon as it is assigned and does not procrastinate, on average the homework should not be over the maximum minutes. Teachers will collaborate to ensure excess homework is not assigned.
Responsibilities of Staff (Teachers, Admin, Etc.):
· Assign relevant, challenging and meaningful homework that reinforces classroom learning
· Give clear instructions and make sure students understand the purpose
· Give feedback and/or correct homework
· Communicate with other teachers
· Involve parents and contact them if a pattern of late or incomplete homework develops
Responsibilities of Parents:
- Set a regular, uninterrupted study time each day
- Establish a quiet, well-lit study area
- Monitor student’s organization and daily list of assignments in their agenda
- Help student work to find the answer, not just get it done
- Be supportive when the student gets frustrated with difficult assignments
- Contact teacher to stay well informed about the student’s learning process
Lessons in learning: Effective parental involvement in homework activities. Canadian Council on Learning.
In general, parents should not become directly involved in their children’s homework. Parents can facilitate successful homework practices without becoming directly involved in the completion of assignments by providing a quiet, well-lit study space and ensuring that all required materials (books, paper, pencils, etc.) are available. Parents can help with time management to ensure that children set aside time for homework and that the work is not put off until the last minute. Parents can also help with workload management by encouraging their children to start with more difficult homework tasks, leaving easier tasks for the end of homework sessions when children are more fatigued. Parents can also model attitudes and behaviours by expressing positive attitudes toward homework and doing homework at the
same time as their children (e.g., reading, paying bills, doing other paperwork).
For many parents, the most difficult lesson is to learn how to avoid interfering with their children’s independent completion of assignments and how to provide guidance without giving answers. Too much interference from parents can eliminate the beneficial effects of homework: learning how to work independently is an important lifelong learning skill that all children need to develop. However, most children encounter difficulties and will often ask for parental assistance. When children ask for help, parents can be most effective by helping children find answers for themselves rather than actually providing
the answers. When parents notice their children experiencing undue difficulty, parents should communicate with the child’s teacher: teachers can provide the best advice on how parents can help and on what other sources of help are available. Even when children are not struggling, it is important for parents to engage in effective and regular communication with their children’s schools in order to remain informed about the contributions they can make to their children’s homework activities.
While parental involvement in homework activities is important, parents need to ensure that their level of involvement is appropriate. To alleviate some of the stressful aspects of homework, parents can play a supportive role that does not require content expertise and does not place excessive demands on parents’ scarce time resources.
Responsibilities of Students:
- Write down assignments in the communication notebook.
- Be sure all assignments are clear – do not be afraid to ask questions if necessary.
- Set aside a regular time for studying.
- Find a quiet, well-lit study area.
- Work on homework independently whenever possible, so that it reflects student ability.
- Produce quality work.
- Make sure assignments are done according to the given instructions and completed on time.
Code of Discipline for Students and Parents
The Code of Discipline provides the basic framework of normative rules to facilitate the total formation of students of the Oakridge International School with the goal to produce responsible, ethical, and self-sufficient students. The proceeding list of responsibilities, procedures, offenses and sanctions contains the modes of conduct conducive to the creation of an Oakridge International School of Young Leaders academic community committed to and consistent with the fundamental values of honesty, fairness, integrity and justice.
The school has the right to impose discipline and penalties for conduct occurring both on and off campus. The violation of certain rules in this handbook may occur in either context. In addition, off‑ campus behavior may be punished when it constitutes a major rules infraction, is a violation of the basic standards of ethics and morality, or constitutes a criminal offense (whether or not the student is charged with a crime).
Students who break the rules are referred to the Principal. Multiple minor infractions may be treated cumulatively as a major infraction. A student who has committed multiple minor infractions is subject to all of the penalties in this handbook, including detention, suspension, and expulsion.
Responsibilities of Parents and Students
Students, Parents, Faculty and Staff are expected to conduct themselves in a well-behaved responsible manner. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that the academic environment of the Oakridge International School is wholesome and conducive to learning.
- Any one on campus is required to wear their Identification (ID) Card and present the same whenever requested by school personnel. In accordance with Department of Education Order No. 88 s 2010, section 159, visitors with an appointment or prior approval may sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s badge. Personnel without an ID card / visitor’s badge are not allowed on campus.
- Students are expected to follow classroom policies and procedures set by the school and their teachers. A teacher may send a student out of class for misbehavior.
- Students are expected to read and to respond immediately to notices posted or sent by the school administrators.
- Students participating in off-campus activities are expected to conduct themselves properly at such functions and to use the name of OIS responsibly. School rules apply to all field trips and athletic events. Students should bear in mind that any of their off-campus activities should not directly or indirectly tarnish the name of the school, especially in reference to the values and the principles it stands for. Students officially representing OIS or any of its recognized or official sectors or units in activities involving external groups must obtain official approval from the principal.
- Parents are held responsible for the behavior of persons or outsiders who come into the campus on their behalf. Bodyguards or chaperones of students are not allowed inside the campus even with the proper identification (ID) card. Even with proper identification, bodyguards or chaperones (including drivers) are not allowed to loiter around the campus.
- OIS environment serves and supports the mission of the institution. It must be treated with proper care and respect to ensure the health and safety of members of the community.
- It is the responsibility of students to take care of school property and to help keep the campus clean.
- Students who use or access the property of the school or of others without proper authorization shall be subjected to disciplinary measures.
- In case of students who willfully damage school property, the student’s parents must bear the cost of repair or replacement.
- Students / parents who bring vehicles onto the campus will observe all campus traffic and parking regulations. This includes displaying a valid Oakridge parking pass and ensuring that their vehicles are in good repair and not leaking fluids or belching smoke.
- All students share responsibility for the creation and maintenance of a healthy, safe, and drug-free campus. This includes compliance with policies and measures against the use of dangerous drugs.
Weapons, Tobacco and drug Policy
The use of tobacco products, alcohol, or drugs at Oakridge International School or OIS events is prohibited at all times.
No weapons are authorized on campus.
Students who violate this policy shall be subject to penalties including but not limited to:
- School suspension
- Out of school suspension
- Expulsion
Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to penalties including, but not limited to:
- Written reprimand
- Suspension without pay
- Dismissal for cause
Parents who violate this policy shall be subject to penalties including, but not limited to:
- Asked to stop
- Asked to leave
- Banned from campus and/or school events
Guardians of students requiring prescription drugs will arrange with the school nurse to store the drugs in the clinic. The guardians will also be responsible to provide a copy of the prescription to the school nurse. The nurse will supervise the administering and taking of the medication(s).
Sexual Harassment Policy Statement
The policy of Oakridge International School is that all employees and students have the right to a working and learning environment, which is free of intimidation, hostility, and offensiveness. In order to ensure such an environment, employees and students are not to engage in the harassment of another person. While all forms of harassment are prohibited, this policy specifically prohibits sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic standing, or
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by and individual is used as the basis for employment or academic decisions affecting that individual, or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance or creating a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment.
Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to: sexual innuendo; verbal harassment, including epithets, derogatory comments, or slurs; physical harassment; or visual harassment such as derogatory cartoons, drawings, posters, or graffiti. Sexual harassment can be against members of the same sex as well as against members of the opposite sex. It is determined from the perspective of the recipient as determined by the standard of how a reasonable person of the same gender/position would interpret the incident.
Employees are required to immediately report any disclosure of a potential violation of this policy or any suspicion of a violation to their principal, and/or the Directors.
Discrimination and Harassment Policy Statement
The policy of Oakridge International School is to maintain a learning environment for all of its students free from any form of discrimination or harassment. The school shall promote educational programs and disciplinary procedures for the purpose of identifying and eliminating discrimination and harassment in all school activities. Definitions for the purpose of this policy, discrimination is defined as behavior which demonstrates prejudicial and/or preferential treatment toward and individual or group based on gender, race, creed, national origin, physical or mental ability, or sexual orientation and harassment is a form of discrimination defined as any action by an individual or group which results in a hostile environment for any student or group of students, including, but not limited to:
- Physical and/or verbal threatening or intimidation
- Slurs, insults, taunting or ridicule based on gender, race, creed, national origin physical or mental ability or sexual orientation
Any student who engages in the harassment of another student may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any employee who knowingly permits or engages in discrimination or harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, and all school employees are encouraged to report any form of discrimination or harassment to the school principal or teacher. School administration will conduct a thorough and objective investigation of any allegation of harassment.
Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention – Bullying
Oakridge International School believes students are entitled to learn in a safe and secure school environment. Students are expected to conduct themselves with respect for others in accordance with this and other policies and rules governing student conduct. Oakridge International School will take reasonable steps to protect all students from the harmful effects of bullying and cyberbullying that occurs at school and/or that interferes with student learning and orderly school operations.
Prohibited Conduct
Students are prohibited from bullying and cyberbullying actions or communications directed toward other students which:
- Occur on, or are delivered to, school property or a school-sponsored activity or event on or off school property; or
- Occur off school property or outside of a school-sponsored activity or event, if the conduct interferes with a student’s educational opportunities or substantially disrupts the orderly operations of the school or school-sponsored activity or event.
Students are further prohibited from retaliating against or making false accusations against a victim, witness or anyone else who in good faith provides information about an alleged act of bullying or cyberbullying.
Protection of all Students
This policy shall apply to all students at school and participating in school functions.
For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions shall apply: “Bullying” means a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another which:
a) Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
b) Causes emotional distress to a student.
c) Interferes with a student’s educational opportunities.
d) Creates a hostile educational environment.
e) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the school.
“Bullying” shall also include actions motivated by an imbalance of power based on a student’s actual or perceived personal characteristics, behaviors or beliefs, or motivated by the student’s association with another person and based on the other person’s characteristics, behaviors or beliefs if those actions cause one or more of the results in items (a) through (e) above.
“Cyberbullying” means conduct defined above that takes place using electronic devices. “Electronic devices” include but are not limited to telephones, cellular phones, computers, pagers, electronic mail, instant messaging, text messaging, and websites. “Emotional distress” means distress that materially impairs the student’s participation in academic or other school-sponsored activities. The term “emotional distress” does not include the unpleasantness or discomfort that accompanies a differing viewpoint. “Perpetrator” means a student who engages in bullying or cyberbullying. “School property” means all real property and all physical plant and equipment used for school purposes, including public or private school buses or vans. “Victim” means a student against whom bullying or cyberbullying has been perpetrated.
Disciplinary Consequences and Intervention Programs Administrators have the discretion to determine appropriate disciplinary consequences and/or interventions for violations of this policy based upon the relevant facts and circumstances in a particular case, including but not limited to the age and maturity of the students involved; the type and frequency of the behavior; a student’s willingness to cooperate in the investigation and correct behavior; and the student’s prior disciplinary record. Disciplinary consequences may include detention, suspension, or expulsion from school.
Reporting Bullying and Cyberbullying
Students who are subjected to bullying or cyberbullying, or who observe bullying/cyberbullying by or against other students are strongly encouraged to report it to the Principal and/or teacher. School staff and volunteers are required to report incidents of bullying or cyberbullying to the Principal as soon as practicable. Parents and other adults are also encouraged to report any concerns about possible bullying or cyberbullying of students to the Principal.
Report Handling and Investigation
The principal shall notify the parents/guardians of the alleged victim(s) and perpetrator(s) that a bullying/cyberbullying report has been made. An investigation of the bullying/cyberbullying report will be initiated by the Principal as soon as possible. The alleged perpetrator(s), and victim(s), if the report was initiated from a third party, will be provided the opportunity to be heard as part of the investigation. The Principal may take interim remedial measures to reduce the risk of further bullying/cyberbullying, retaliation and/or to assist the alleged victim while the investigation is pending. If the Principal substantiates the bullying/cyberbullying report, he/she shall determine what remedial and/or disciplinary actions should be taken against the perpetrator(s).
Teacher Detentions
Teacher detentions may be given to students for behavior that includes but is not limited to: violation of classroom rules, refusal to follow directions, tardiness, disruption, and inappropriate language. The first infraction will result in a warning, the second infraction of the same rule will result in a teacher detention, and the third infraction of the same rule will result in an office detention. Parents will be notified of a teacher detention by telephone or a slip sent home. Students who fail to serve a teacher detention will be assigned both an office detention and the original detention. Tardiness in arriving at school in the morning will result in a teacher detention with the homeroom teacher on the third (3rd) offense for each term.
Office Detention
The school administration supports teachers in maintaining good discipline in the classroom and throughout the school. Therefore, teachers may refer students to the administration when a disciplinary problem is ongoing and classroom discipline or intervention has not effected a change. Office detention may be given to students for behavior that includes, but is not limited to tardiness, lying, and defiance, unsafe behavior, leaving class without permission, disruption, and failure to report to a teacher detention. Parents will be notified of an office detention by a slip sent home that must be signed and returned to the office. Failure to serve an office detention will result in the assignment of an in-school suspension.
Suspensions may be either in school or out-of-school. Immediate suspension may be given to students for behavior that includes, but is not limited to: vandalism; theft; profanity; aggressive or unsafe behavior; fighting; threatening, intimidating, and/or harassing another student; bold resistance to authority; truancy, including leaving school without permission, failure to attend class, and excessive tardiness; and failure to serve an office detention. Out-of-school suspensions are given at the discretion of the school administration. Parents will be notified of out-of-school suspensions.
The Principal may recommend expulsion for a serious violation, even on the first offense, if a student’s continued presence is deleterious to Oakridge International School or to the student involved.
When expulsion is recommended, a student is automatically suspended. During the suspension period, the Principal will review the matter with those involved before reaching a decision.
Dress code
A school uniform shall be prescribed for all pupils/students. Shoes are considered part of the uniform.
1. Students shall be clean, neat, and properly dressed at all times.
2. All skirts must be of an appropriate length. If a student's arms and hands fall below the skirt, it is too short.
3. Student’s dress and grooming shall be appropriate and enhance the goals of self-respect and respect for others in the school and community.
4. Grooming or clothing that interferes with instruction or is a disturbing factor in class shall not be permitted.
5. Footwear shall be worn at all times. Flip-flops (sandals) and high platform soles are not allowed for safety reasons.
6. School Uniform will be worn appropriately:
a. Socks- black or white for boys white or black knee socks or leotards for girls
b. School pants and skirts appropriately tailored.
c. Shirt tucked in.
d. Necktie properly tied. ( A necktie should fit snugly and the length of the tie should drop slightly below the waistband of the trousers.
e. Vest should be worn, unless exempted by the teacher or principal.
7. The following types of clothing are not permitted during summer or school activities:
a. Tank tops
b. Any garmet that shows parts of undergarments or midriff.
c. Clothing with inappropriate wording or graphics
d. Clothing that is distracting or in poor taste
e. Adornments such as safety pins, dog collars, chains, etc.
f. All skirts and shorts must be of an appropriate length. If a student's arms are extended and hands fall below the skirt/short, it is too short.
g. tops with less than a 2” shoulder strap.
8. The PE uniform may be authorized as an alternative uniform by the principal or teacher.
9. The Principal shall make the final decision as to what is appropriate dress within the school or school events.
Students not adhering to the dress code will be asked to correct the deficiency or sent home to correct the problem and/or get the appropriate clothing.
Students are discouraged from using the school phones. The school telephone is a business phone and may be used by students for emergencies only (“I forgot” is not an emergency.) Students may use the phone during lunch and after school only. Students are not permitted to use cell phones at any point during the school day.
Dep Ed reiterates cell phone ban during class hours
The Department of Education reiterates that cellular phones are not allowed to be used during class hours so that students remain focused in their studies and learning distractions are minimized. DepEd Order Numbers 83, series of 2003; 26 series of 2000 and 70 series of 1999, which state that DepEd strictly imposes a ban on the use of cell phones by students during class hours.
The school policy is that cell phones are to be turned off and put away during school hours. If any student is caught using a cell phone during school hours, the phone will be confiscated, turned into to the office and only released to the parent / guardian. It will be the responsibility of the student to inform you that they had their phone taken away. Repeat offenders may receive other consequences as deemed appropriate by the teacher / principal.
Back Packs
Cubbies are available in all classrooms. There is no need for your child to have a backpack that they cannot carry. Leave books and other materials not needed for homework at school, in your cubby. Do not purchase backpacks that your child cannot carry. Visitors are not allowed in the classroom. In addition, the custodial staff is not available to carry your child’s belongings. It is your responsibility to ensure that your student can carry his or her own backpack.
On those occasions when a large project is due, the teacher making the assignment will arrange for their students to get assistance from parents and staff to safely transport the project to the classroom.
School Readiness
All students (K-9) are expected to be ready for school. Except for documented medical conditions, students should be able to feed, clothe, and go to the bathroom unassisted. They should be able to wash and dry their hands. Students are expected to remain awake during the school day. Parents and guardians are expected to ensure their student(s) gets sufficient sleep every night.
Technology use
21st Century Learning Skills require that students collaborate, think critically, communicate, create, and innovate. Many technology tools support the development of 21st century skills (e.g. blogs, wikis, and social networking sites). The school supports the use of these tools to enhance and enrich the learning and teaching environment. However, these tools must be used in support of education and adhere to the education goals and objectives of Oakridge International School.
Appropriate Use of the Internet, network, and technology equipment:
Students are responsible for appropriate behavior when using technology resources and work areas. The lists below do not cover every possible situation. If you have any question about appropriate behavior, ask your teacher, librarian, or technology teacher. DO:
- Use school technologies for educational pursuits.
- Practice internet safety.
- Immediately back out of any questionable site and notify an adult immediately.
- Remember your username and password.
- Follow instructions of teachers, librarians, technology teachers, and computer lab assistants.
-Cite your digital sources correctly.
- Ask for help with equipment or software problems and report any equipment or software malfunctions.
- Take care of the equipment.
- Return all borrowed technology equipment promptly and in the same condition as you received it.
Do not:
- Eat or drink at any school computer.
- Share passwords.
- Share or reveal your name, personal information, or phone numbers of yourself or others.
- Access or download any illegal, pornographic, abusive, obscene, or harassing materials.
- Be a cyber-bully (A good rule to follow is never view, send, or access materials that you would not want your teachers and parents to see.)
- Access or alter other people’s files.
- Download or install software, shareware, or freeware.
- Violate copyright laws.
- Create or spread computer viruses.
- Attempt to gain unauthorized or illegal access to technology resources.
- Physically connect personal laptops to the network.
- Access, download, or play games; visit game sites, access game cheat codes, or participate in simulations, Facebook, twitter, or other social networking sites.
- Change any computer settings or alter hardware and/or cables.
- Create or manage a personal web page on school computers.
- Download music, programs or access streaming
- Participate in any online for-profit activities.
Remember: Communication over school networks is not private. Network supervision and maintenance may require review and inspection of network activity, including student files, video, or audio.
Consequences for disregarding the rules of this Technology Use Agreement:
- Depending upon the age of the student and the severity and frequency of the misuse or abuse, one or more of the following consequences will occur:
- A warning, followed by re-clarification of the rules, loss or privileges or disciplinary action.