Oakridge International School bases its curriculum on the Republic of the Philippines Department of Education’s K+12 Curriculum and augmented by other countries . . .

International Baccalaureate
Oakridge International School is officially an International Baccalaureate World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy—a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Oakridge believes is important for our students. For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit www.ibo.org

Special Education
Inclusive education means that all students attend and are welcomed by Oakridge International School into the least restrictive learning environment. That often means students learn in age-appropriate . . .

Oakridge International School offers ESL (english as a second language) to all non-english speakers including foreign nationals who seek to learn English for their future endeavours . . .

Chinese Curriculum
Oakridge International School offer Mandarin Class to equip our students another foreign language that will give them an edge in the world. Using Singaporean curriculum in teaching mandarin . . .

Foreign Language
Oakridge International School promotes International Mindedness by means of equipping our students with communication skills necessary to succeed in the world . . .
News and Updates

Leadership Camp 2024

Get the BIGGEST discount and avail of the Early Bird Enrollment Now! until May 2024 only

Local History FieldTrip to Vigan

Calendar Schedule
January 25: 100th Day of School (Calasiao Sports Complex)
January 29: Chinese New Year (Holiday)
Early Bird Enrolment : SOON
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Oakridge is the best school for my kids. I was hesitant at first with online. But their execution is very smooth, professional and caring . . . [read more]

Jasmine Lim
Oakridge International School of Young Leaders (OISYL) because since quarantine (March) started, they have Google Classroom (online class) Very good! . . . [read more]

Cha Perez
Oakridge is truly a remarkable school with a big big heart. Great atmosphere for learning and families feel welcome and loved. kudos! . . . [read more]